
Brunner has offered solutions in the field of healthcare furniture, stackable canteen chairs and waiting room furnishings since 1977. Brunner collaborates with leading European architects and designers. The combination of design, comfort and environmentally conscious production makes OCS+ offer the full Brunner range.
Brunner has offered solutions in the field of healthcare furniture, stackable canteen chairs and waiting room furnishings since 1977. Brunner collaborates with leading European architects and designers. The combination of design, comfort and environmentally conscious production makes OCS+ offer the full Brunner range.
Brunner has offered solutions in the field of healthcare furniture, stackable canteen chairs and waiting room furnishings since 1977. Brunner collaborates with leading European architects and designers. The combination of design, comfort and environmentally conscious production makes OCS+ offer the full Brunner range.
Chairs and seating furniture
Occasional furniture


With hand and heart, Brunner develops, produces and delivers Baden furniture to the entire world.


Want to know more about Brunner?

Brunner has been offering solutions in the field of care furniture, stackable canteen chairs and waiting room furnishings since 1977. Brunner works with leading European architects and designers. The combination of design, comfort and environmentally conscious production means that OCS+ offers the entire Brunner range.

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