Established & Sons

Established & Sons' collection includes some of the most significant examples of 21st-century design. Many of the pieces have been acquired by international museums, galleries, institutions and private collections. These designs have often set the tone for the global conversation about design and reflect the essential character, style and identity of London - the birthplace and home of Established & Sons.
Established & Sons' collection includes some of the most significant examples of 21st-century design. Many of the pieces have been acquired by international museums, galleries, institutions and private collections. These designs have often set the tone for the global conversation about design and reflect the essential character, style and identity of London - the birthplace and home of Established & Sons.
Established & Sons' collection includes some of the most significant examples of 21st-century design. Many of the pieces have been acquired by international museums, galleries, institutions and private collections. These designs have often set the tone for the global conversation about design and reflect the essential character, style and identity of London - the birthplace and home of Established & Sons.

Established & Sons

Established & Sons is a British brand that stands for everything innovative in contemporary design.


Want to know more about Established & Sons?

By supporting the best designers of our time, it has built a collection for people passionate about design, presenting imaginative products with style and personality.

With a unique approach to collaboration, the company develops and produces work by leading professionals and encourages the careers of young designers.

Contact us
Established & Sons

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