
Rotterdam School of Management

OCS+ Design Studio
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Work environment Rotterdam School of Management
Work environment Rotterdam School of Management
Work environment Rotterdam School of Management

Focus on connection and transparency


Rotterdam School of Management (RSM) is the business school of Erasmus University Rotterdam. RSM is internationally renowned for excellence and innovation in management education and research.

In addition, RSM is best known for training international business leaders. Because the entire building is used by both students and staff, a design has been designed that offers both a pleasant workplace for fixed workplaces and flexible (together) workplaces.

How RSM evaluates our work
"An environment that does justice to the quality we stand for
Work environment Rotterdam School of Management
with a clear connection to our identity."
Rotterdam School of Management
Work environment Rotterdam School of Management
Work environment Rotterdam School of Management
Work environment Rotterdam School of Management

Our approach to achieve connection and transparency

Connection and transparency come to the fore in the use of glass. By using glass walls, among other things, it becomes easier to see each other, creating a transparent working atmosphere with lots of light. This makes the whole look more spacious, which in turn contributes to a better evaluation of the working environment.
Outside the office environment, there is more focus on collaboration. Special break-out areas can be used by students for collaboration as well as by employees for a short meeting. This is therefore the perfect place to let employees and students come into contact with each other.
In order to really give the design its own identity, it was decided to have the Rotterdam branding reflected in the entire building. By means of glass foil, all well-known 'Rotterdam Icons' such as the Erasmus Bridge can be seen throughout the building. In this way RSM has an environment that is entitled to the quality they stand for in combination with a clear connection to their own identity.
Work environment Rotterdam School of Management


Flag Mountain




Our joint vision on collaboration

We are always critical and determined to get to know organizations and get to the core of the need. Only in this way has a concept been developed for Rotterdam School of Management that fits both within the university’s brand identity and within our shared vision of collaboration.

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Work environment Rotterdam School of Management
Work environment Rotterdam School of Management
Work environment Rotterdam School of Management
Work environment Rotterdam School of Management
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